Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Narrow Minded Debate

Read this today.

"Ron Paul and The Coma Man: Following up on the healthcare debate, the debate moderator, Wolf Blitzer, asked Rep. Ron Paul what would happen to a healthy, young man who chooses not to get health insurance, but then suffers a life-threatening accident and needs life support (Paul was a licensed and practicing doctor). After Paul danced around the question, Blitzer pushed: “Congressman, are you saying society should let him die?”

And then the crowed cheered.

And Paul, a man who took an oath to heal the sick, said that “neighbors, friends, and churches” would take care of everyone, like some magic wand being waved."

Firstly, the hypothetical question here is very much biased. It is stating that if the 'healthy young male' does not have health insurance, then he is going to die. What a load of crap. The real question should be, why is healthcare so expensive that the healthy young male chooses not to get health insurance in the first place.

Secondly, here is some personal insight. I myself was diagnosed with a condition years back that I almost died from. At the time, I did not have health insurance either. I did not need Obamacare or the government to take care of me. What I did was find an honest doctor that knew I did not have health insurance and work with me to give me affordable treatment. Finding this doctor was not easy. The first specialist I went to assumed I had health insurance, and so he charged me exorbitant rates for simple procedures such as blood tests. I am talking $300 and over for a blood test where the honest doctor only charged $60.

The healthcare system itself needs to be fixed, as I've witnessed how broken it is firsthand. Mandating that everyone get insurance does not guarantee that someone's life will be saved. What it does do is make sure that the healthcare system today will have plenty of people with insurance to gouge. There are more choices than being for Obamacare and being against it. Obamacare is NOT the only solution.

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