This article made me think about how the media is treating the Paul campaign:
The same media would also like their audience to think that Ron Paul's supporters are just a fringe or hardcore group of supporters. While I don't doubt that those who support Dr. Paul are enthusiastic about his campaign, I think it's a grave mistake to write them off as outliers. For the most part Paul's group of supporters want real change in our federal government, and are tired of candidates that represent more of the same. The other Republican candidates very much represent more of the same, and Paul's supporters know this. For that reason, I would conclude that the treatment that Paul's campaign is receiving as well as the dismissal of his candidacy would backfire against the Republican party itself. That 8%-14% of the voting population which support Ron Paul could harbor resentment towards the Republican party itself, enough to not vote for any Republican candidate if Paul isn't on the ticket. If that were the case, any chance of a Republican winning the Presidential election would be improbable.
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