Thursday, August 8, 2013

To Hollywood: Make Movies, Not Political Statements

Sometimes I wish that Hollywood stars would just keep quiet about their politicking and just make good movies. I already think about politics enough that I don't need to be reminded of it when I walk into a movie theatre. Matt Damon is just the latest example of what I mean by this.

When the weekend rolls around, by habit I check out what's new in the movie theatre that week. This week I see Elysium is opening up, and I was interested in seeing it as it received fairly good reviews on However, I am then reminded that it stars Matt Damon who was in the news recently as being a hypocrite.

Education is a subject that I have a strong opinion on, as I believe the current system of education is deeply flawed. I won't get into those reasons in this post as they are irrelevant to the point here, but let me state that I am all for giving parents as many options as possible for educating their kids.

A while ago Matt Damon let it be known that he did not support school vouchers and charter schools, and instead deeply supported the public school system. While I don't agree with him, I respect that he has a right to his opinion.

However, recently Damon moved to Los Angeles, and lo and behold he has decided to enroll his kids in private schools rather than let them go to public school. So, he is ok with having the choice for his kids on which schools to enroll in, but not everyone else.

This is not the first time that Damon has been called out for his hypocrisy. On the topic of guns and gun control, Damon famously stated that he hated guns, and he recently appeared in the Demand A Plan video for more gun control. An actor who has made a career out of portraying gun violence on the movie screen is advocating for more gun control? Hypocrisy at it's worst.

To the fine actors of Hollywood, I recognize that you are entitled to your opinions no matter much I disagree with you. However, when you become a hypocrite to the level that you can't even follow through with the ideology that you shove in my face, then you are destroying whatever chance I have at enjoying your movies and your skills on the silver screen.

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