This story from The Blaze made me think for a bit. Long story short, three thugs decide to commit armed robbery with a gun against a person at a gas station who happened to be filling up their car with gas. As the events unfold, the story ends with the one dead robber, two criminals on the run, and the victim alive and well, all because the victim had his own gun to defend himself. The real kicker is that all of this unfolded in the rabidly anti-gun city of Chicago, where its impossible for law-abiding citizens to carry a firearm to defend themselves. Well except for law enforcement, as it so happens that the victim was an off-duty Sheriff's sergeant.
But what if the victim wasn't law enforcement? What would have happened to another less fortunate law abiding citizen? They wouldn't have had any means to defend themselves at all, and they would have totally been at the mercy of the armed robbers. By definition, criminals don't obey laws, so all the anti-gun laws and policy in Chicago has done is create a populace of victims.
I'll leave the reader with this thought. If you make it impossible for law-abiding citizens to own firearms to defend themselves, then of course all you are going to hear is people using firearms for nefarious purposes. Anti-gun policy sets the stage for nothing but news of bad guys committing heinous crimes with guns, while making a good guy will not be able to defend themselves with a gun. Maybe that's why gun control advocates say self defense with guns rarely happens… because they want to make it impossible for it to happen.
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