Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why Some Don't Support Ron Paul

After Saturday's debate, I looked on the CBS comment board to see the reaction, and this is what I saw:

The ad hominem attack that he is 'crazy', is just a perpetuation of a non-substantive attack for lazy people.

The second one though is troubling. A student, who I assume is getting loans backed by the federal government, will not support Paul because he eventually wants to get rid of the federal student loan program. The problem with this is two-fold.

1. Ron Paul is for eventually getting rid of the program, not outright eliminating it. He realizes that some people currently depend on it. If anything his solution is pragmatic, allowing current students who have expected to pay for college using these loans to keep doing so, but allowing people to not expect to do so later down the road.

2. People just don't want to give up their subsidies. This goes for big business too. When one is the benefit of government subsidies, its hard to take it away. One can equate the dependency to that of illicit drugs. I'm not going to sugar coat this, but in my opinion that is just plain selfish. "I would support him, but he is going to take away my goodies." That's basically what the guy is saying, and undoubtedly the commenter ignores the issue of why his tuition is so high in the first place, which is Ron Paul's point for ending the program.

If these are the typical American voters, what hope do we have in solving any of our problems?

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