Firstly it describes Paul's foreign policy as isolationist. A very big mistake, since Paul's position on foreign policy is non-interventionism. Many opponents of Paul will label him as a isolationist to describe him negatively and to discount this foreign policy all together. Isolationism would be similar to China's foreign policy back in the 14th century before they opened their doors to the rest of the world, where they did not trade, talk, or even let foreigners into their country. Paul on the other hand would want to do all of these things. He just does not believe that we should be the policeman of the world and be involved militarily in so many countries and conflicts.
Secondly, it describes two people who would not vote for Paul. One of them was a woman who said she would not vote for him because of his stance on abortion. She is for a woman's right to choose. Unfortunately, she is misinformed. Yes Ron Paul respects life in the womb, but he also states that he is not in favor of any law that would make abortion illegal on the federal level. He doesn't believe that is the federal government's job. Instead he would defer to the state.
Thirdly, the other individual that said they would not vote for Paul said that he disagreed with how to handle Iran. Unfortunately for him though, I think most Americans are tired of preventative wars. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Uganda, and now Iran? If you want MORE WAR then I guess Ron Paul is not your candidate.