I recently had an exchange with an Obama supporter on Huffpost.com, where he said Ron Paul will never be POTUS, and he asked who would Ron Paul supporters vote for if he were not the Republican nominee. Here was that exchange:
“I think most Ron Paul supporters will either write him in or not vote at all. It's to the point that we are tired of the same politicians who are disingenuous. If you are happy with Obama, which it sounds like you are, then that is too bad for the rest of us.
You'll get four more years of broken promises, more government spending, and the deterioration of our liberties.”
You'll get four more years of broken promises, more government spending, and the deteriorat
Obama supporter:
“"broken promises" = GOP obstruction
“We went into Libya without approval by Congress. That costs money or were those bombs free along with the free jet fuel?
I choose not to buy into Health Insurance. Obamacare will not only force me to have an electronic medical record, but also force me to buy insurance. I do not have health insurance, and I pay out of pocket whenever I goto the doctor, and that works for me. As of 2014, I have to buy insurance.
Nevermind the fact that he extended FISA and the Patriot Act. Also, being commander in chief also means that he can pull out of Iraq and Afghasnistan if he so directed them to, and he promised to do that with his 16 month timetable during his campaign. We're now at month number 35.”
I choose not to buy into Health Insurance. Obamacare will not only force me to have an electronic medical record, but also force me to buy insurance. I do not have health insurance, and I pay out of pocket whenever I goto the doctor, and that works for me. As of 2014, I have to buy insurance.
Nevermind the fact that he extended FISA and the Patriot Act. Also, being commander in chief also means that he can pull out of Iraq and Afghasnist
Obama supporter:
“And yet with all your rambling you fail to address a single point I brought up.....”
“In case you don't know what liberty means:
freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.
Forcing someone to buy health insurance is a loss of liberty. Bombing another country without congressional approval is spending money. Not following your own campaign promise to withdraw troops from Iraq within his 16 month timetable or closing Guantanamo are broken promises.
By the way, you should really refrain from insulting people. Saying that I am rambling when I address every point that you brought up doesn't lead to any meaningful dialogue.”
freedom from control, interferen
Forcing someone to buy health insurance is a loss of liberty. Bombing another country without congressio
By the way, you should really refrain from insulting people. Saying that I am rambling when I address every point that you brought up doesn't lead to any meaningful dialogue.”
The exchange ends there. This is typical of the rhetoric of supporters from both parties to blindly attack the other side rather than engage each other in meaningful conversation. I think people need to step back, take a deep breath, and look at what they are supporting. To look for opportunities to attack someone else just because you see them as part of the other side will not solve any of our problems today. This Obama supporter doesn't offer any defense of Obama other than saying its the GOP's fault. However, for the first two years of his presidency, Obama's party held Congress as well. Regardless of that fact, I see both parties at fault for the current mess that we are in. The two-party system has evolved into a monster, and that monster is failing us.
By the way, I will register as Republican for this up coming primary to vote for Ron Paul, but I consider myself an independent.
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