There have been a slew of articles published recently that have called for Liberty supporters and Libertarians to vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket. The reasons why these voters should vote Romney are ones that have been presented before, but unfortunately for Romney, they are as unconvincing now as they were then.
For instance, they say that we must prevent Obama from getting a second term as he would lead the country into a disaster. However, many of the target audience already believe that Romney will also lead the country the wrong way as well. From civil liberties (Patriot Act, NDAA, war on drugs), to foreign policy and economic policy, there is no difference between Obama and Romney.
Now here is something to think about: We've already experienced this type of argument before in the lead up to the War on Terror, War in Iraq, and now the situation with Iran. This argument tries to play on people's fears in order to get their support for something unpopular. Yes I am equating Romney with the unpopularity of War, but instead of the WMD boogeyman, we've just swapped it for the Obama boogeyman.
Another reason why the GOP establishment gives to support Romney is that he would be more likely to work with Libertarians and liberty-minded individuals than Obama. Unfortunately the actions of just the past few months has shown how much Romney campaign is willing to work with Liberty supporters. Abuse, disenfranchisement, and trying to cut them off in future participation in politics are usually not signs that someone is willing to work with you.
The Romney campaign has successfully demolished any chance of support from Liberty supporters. It was said months ago, that Romney would need the support of this group to win, but instead of working with the group or maintaining relations with them, he has antagonized and silenced them.
Sorry Romney, but basically you've burned bridges with this entire group of supporters, and now you are trying to throw us a rope. I feel sorry for anyone willing to trust you enough to even touch that rope. I and many other Liberty supporters will stay here on the side of liberty and vote Gary Johnson in the upcoming election, and watch as you lose the by that 10% margin belonging to the vote which you've worked so hard to alienate.